Welcome to the Evry Schatzman School 2023 web page

The Evry Schatzman School, organised by the Programme National de Physique Stellaire and a recurrent thematic school of the CNRS, will be held in 2023 on "Stellar Physics with Gaia". The Gaia space mission is revolutionising our knowledge of the stellar content of the Milky Way by providing astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic data for about two billion stars. The content of the new Gaia catalogue, released in June 2022, is extremely rich, both in terms of the number and type of stars and the number and variety of information available.
The objective of the school is to review the Gaia DR3 data, how to use it, what it is doing and how it is improving our knowledge of stellar physics. It will enable participants to master this complex content for their own scientific exploitation, both for stellar physics and for its application to studies of Local Group galaxies resolved in stars, in particular our Milky Way.
The school will be structured in 5 main courses (in English):
- How does Gaia answer open questions in stellar physics (Orlagh Creevey): introduction to fundamental questions in stellar physics and the Gaia mission.
- Astrophysical parameters and stellar populations as seen by Gaia (Alejandra Recio-Blanco): how to use Gaia data to identify stellar populations
- Multiple systems with Gaia (Frédéric Arenou)
- Variable stars with Gaia (Laurent Eyer)
- Details of the H-R diagram (cold dwarfs: Céline Reylé, hot stars: Yves Frémat)
The practical work, based on Jupyter notebooks in python, will take place in the afternoons and will focus on :
- the use of the Gaia archive
- the use of spectra from Gaia spectrophotometry
- example of the use of Gaia data for the study of star clusters
- using data from multiple systems
- using data from variable stars
A seminar on the application to galactic dynamics is also planned on wednesday end of afternoon (Benoit Famaey).

The school will take place from 1 to 6 October 2023 at the CAES of the CNRS La Vieille Perrotine, on the island of Oléron.

It is limited to 40 participants.

 The SOC is composed of : C. Babusiaux (chair, IPAG), C. Reylé (UTINAM), Y. Lebreton (LESIA), O. Creevey (Lagrange), N. Lagarde (LAB), B. Famaey (ObAS)

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